Articles with public access mandates - Bram Wauters - UK Economic and Social Research CouncilLearn more
Available based on mandate: 4
Birds of a feather flock together? The survival of underrepresented groups within parliamentary parties, 1991–2015
M Van De Wardt, A Van Witteloostuijn, A Chambers, B Wauters
European Journal of Political Research 60 (2), 474-496, 2021
The party (un) faithful: Explaining party members’ defecting voting behaviour in different contexts (Belgium and Britain)
B De Vet, M Poletti, B Wauters
Party Politics 25 (5), 690-700, 2019
The party (un) faithful: explaining disloyal party members’ voting behaviour in Belgium and the United Kingdom
B Wauters, M Poletti, B de Vet
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 2017
Party members voting for another party: Belgium and the UK in comparison
B Wauters, M Poletti, B de Vet
5th ‘Belgium: State of the Federation’conference, 2016
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