Articles with public access mandates - Jeannette Pols - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific ResearchLearn more
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Good relations with technology: Empirical ethics and aesthetics in care
J Pols
Nursing Philosophy 18 (1), e12154, 2017
Analyzing social spaces: Relational citizenship for patients leaving mental health care institutions
J Pols
Medical Anthropology 35 (2), 177-192, 2016
Available based on mandate: 5
A matter of taste? Quality of life in day-to-day living with ALS and a feeding tube
J Pols, S Limburg
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 40, 361-382, 2016
Fabuleuses webcams: Regards actifs et technologies invisibles
J Pols
Réseaux, 65-94, 2018
Lavando o cidadão: Banho, limpeza e cidadania no cuidado em saúde mental
J Pols
Novos Debates 9 (1), 2023
Colocando apreciações em cena: Além da perspectiva do paciente
J Pols
Novos Debates 9 (1), 2023
Uncertainty Work: Dealing with a Psychiatric Crisis in Two European Community Mental Health Teams
CGR Muusse, CL Mulder, H Kroon, J Pols
Medical Anthropology 43 (3), 247-261, 2024
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