Articles with public access mandates - Dolf JH te Lintelo - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific ResearchLearn more
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Contested public authority in marginal urban areas: challenges for humanitarians: In urban contexts where multiple governance actors compete for authority, a clearer approach …
DJH te Lintelo, H Ford, T Liptrot, W Mansour, A Rahbany
Revista Migraciones Forzadas, 2020
Available based on mandate: 2
Contested public authority in marginal urban areas: challenges for humanitarians
D te Lintelo, H Ford, T Liptrot, W Mansour, A Rahbany
Forced Migration Review, 2020
Localising aid: Urban displacement, contested public authority and legitimacy in Jordan and Lebanon
DJH te Lintelo, T Liptrot
Global Policy, 2023
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