Marc Brysbaert, Emmanuel Keuleers, Michael Stevens, Lise Van der Haegen, Ark Verma, Maaike Callens, Wim Tops, Vatsala Khare, Paweł Mandera, Heleen Vander Beken, Myrthe Princen
As the number of megastudies is growing, it becomes difficult to keep track of everything that is out there. For a paper I decided to make a table and then realized that it would be great to have the information on a website with links to the articles and the datasets.
You find the outcome here. The list contains all the megastudies and eye movement corpora that I am aware of. Originally I wanted to work with a cut-off criterion of minimally 1,000 words (as the lower limit of the definition of mega), but it rapidly became clear that this excluded several interesting datasets. So, for the sake of completeness I dropped the criterion, although it still feels odd to me that you can have a megastudy with less than 1,000 stimuli.
Scholar articles
M Brysbaert, E Keuleers, M Stevens, L Van der Haegen…