Alfonso Rodríguez, Angélica Caro, Cinzia Cappiello, Ismael Caballero
Publication date
Business Process Model and Notation: 4th International Workshop, BPMN 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 12-13, 2012. Proceedings 4
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
BPMN is a notation for business process modeling through which it is possible to represent multiple characteristics of the analyzed business processes. However, although in a business process data play a fundamental role, it is still not possible to model data quality issues using BPMN due mainly to the lack of a specific notation. Since data quality is one of the main elements for achieving the business process goals, we aim to develop a comprehensive framework that supports the design of data quality-aware business processes. In this paper, we mainly focus on the part related to the elicitation and definition of data quality requirements and we present an extension of BPMN suitable to include them at a business process modeling level.
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Scholar articles
A Rodríguez, A Caro, C Cappiello, I Caballero - Business Process Model and Notation: 4th …, 2012