Michael Coyle, Desmond B Keenan, P Alexander Derchak, Marvin Sackner, Frank Wilhelm, Keith Gilroy, Emerance M Gummels, Dana Michael Inman, Paul Kennedy, Mark Mitchnick, Andrew Behar
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Patent office
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The present invention is directed to improved systems and methods for processing respiratory signals derived generally from respiratory plethysmography, and especially from respiratory inductive plethysmographic sensors mounted on a garment for ambulatory recording. The systems and methods provide improved signal filtering for artifact rejection, improved calibration of sensor data to produce outputs indicative of lung volumes. Further, this invention provides improved systems and methods directed to processing lung volume signals, however measured or derived, to provide improved determination of respiratory parameters and improved recognition of selected respiratory events.
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Coyle, DB Keenan, PA Derchak, M Sackner… - US Patent 7,267,652, 2007