Vesco Paskalev
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Bulgaria does not have an official policy to encourage immigration or naturalisation. However, various government institutions over time have encouraged the naturalisation of foreigners of Bulgarian origin, living in or outside of Bulgaria. In particular the State Agency for the Bulgarians Abroad (SABA) has among its goals to" improve the demographic situation in the country", which includes achieving a positive balance of immigration and emigration. The agency aims to constantly improve the issuing of certificates for Bulgarian origin, which are needed for naturalisation under alleviated conditions (see below). Even though some officials highlight the increasing number of naturalisations, there has never been a discernible campaign or dedicated budget to promote naturalisation. The overall budget of SABA has increased over the years, but it is difficult to estimate how much of it is directly related to the promotion or facilitation of naturalisation and how much goes to its other services. While it used to be around half a million BGN in 2006, for 2012 and 2013 the budget of the agency and the programme of the Council of Minister for Bulgarians Abroad was 758,000 BGN (354,000 EUR). Most of the budget is invested into the cost of maintenance of the whole agency and wages for its staff.(Note that this amount does not include the aid SABA distributes to Bulgarian communities abroad–for instance, for schools abroad the state has given around 1.3 million euro in 2010; 350,000 euro for religious communities, etc.)
It is interesting to note that in the period 2009-2011 there was a Minister for Bulgarians abroad-Bozhidar Dimitrov. He was without portfolio, ie …
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