Gareth Terry, Virginia Braun, Shanuki Jayamaha, H Madden
Publication date
Analysing qualitative data in psychology
This reflective report provides another appearance-related example of a thematic analysis study, adding to the worked example provided in Chapter 7. The research presented here is part of a project examining understandings around and practices of body hair removal among 18–35 year-old New Zealanders.(For the complete paper on which this report is based, see Terry et al., 2018; for other papers from the project, see Terry and Braun, 2013, 2016.) In addition to exploring the topic, we were also testing an underutilized qualitative data collection tool: the qualitative survey (see Braun and Clarke, 2013; Braun et al., 2017; Terry and Braun, 2017). This report focuses specifically on women participants who completed the survey to demonstrate both the pervasive ‘common sense’gendered meanings and practices of body hair removal and the tensions, contradictions and hopes that co-exist alongside such norms …
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