Stephen P Leatherman, Robert J Nicholls
Publication date
Journal of Coastal Research
Coastal Education & Research Foundation (CERF)
Accelerated sea-level rise is one of the more
'certain consequences of global warming. While detailed impact assessments have been under taken in many industrial countries (eg, GOE MANS, 1986; TITUS et al., 1991), much less research has been conducted in developing coun tries. This five year study was conducted to address this problem as part of the US Environ mental Protection Agency International Project, involving climate change impact analyses for ag riculture, forestry, health, sea-level rise, and wa ter resources (STRZEPEK and SMITH, 1994). Sea-level rise scenarios from 0.2 to 2.0 meters by the year 2100 are considered with a 1-meter rise being the standard scenario. The physical effects of sea-level rise include: inundation of low-lying areas, erosion, salt-water intrusion into aquifers, higher water tables, and increased flood ing and storm damage. We only considered the first two factors in this …
Total citations
Scholar articles
SP Leatherman, RJ Nicholls - Journal of Coastal Research, 1995