Michael Keith, Eugenie Birch, Nicolas JA Buchoud, Maruxa Cardama, William Cobbett, Michael Cohen, Thomas Elmqvist, Jessica Espey, Maarten Hajer, Gunnar Hartmann, Tadashi Matsumoto, Susan Parnell, Aromar Revi, Debra C Roberts, Emilia Saiz, Tim Schwanen, Karen C Seto, Raf Tuts, Martin van der Pütten
Publication date
Nature Sustainability
Nature Publishing Group
Our planet is rapidly urbanizing. Research has recognized the complexity of city-driven dynamics, but our political realities have yet to catch up. A new narrative of sustainable urban development must become central to global policymaking to help humanity respond to the most pressing social and environmental challenges.
Almost all growth of the human population this century will be accounted for by a growing number of city dwellers 1. This demographic reality has elevated political attention to urban issues. Between 2012 and 2015, a dialogue on urban issues within the United Nations (UN) General Assembly resulted in the inclusion of a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on cities and human settlements within the 2030 Agenda. SDG 11 committed national governments to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” 2. This goal is of major significance. By …
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Scholar articles
M Keith, E Birch, NJA Buchoud, M Cardama, W Cobbett… - Nature Sustainability, 2023