Alberto Piatti, Alessandro Antonucci, Marco Zaffalon
Publication date
Advances in mathematics research
Nova Science Publishers
Knowledge-based systems are computer programs achieving expert-level competence in solving problems for specific task areas. This chapter is a tutorial on the implementation of this kind of systems in the framework of credal networks. Credal networks are a generalization of Bayesian networks where credal sets, ie, closed convex sets of probability measures, are used instead of precise probabilities. This allows for a more flexible model of the knowledge, which can represent ambiguity, contrast and contradiction in a natural and realistic way. The discussion guides the reader through the different steps involved in the specification of a system, from the evocation and elicitation of the knowledge to the interaction with the system by adequate inference algorithms. Our approach is characterized by a sharp distinction between the domain knowledge and the process linking this knowledge to the perceived evidence, which we call the observational process. This distinction leads to a very flexible representation of both domain knowledge and knowledge about the way the information is collected, together with a technique to aggregate information coming from different sources. The overall procedure is illustrated throughout the chapter by a simple knowledge-based system for the prediction of the result of a football match.
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Scholar articles
A Piatti, A Antonucci, M Zaffalon - Advances in mathematics research, 2010