Gudeta Weldesemayat Sileshi, Paramu Mafongoya, FK Akinnifesi, E Phiri, P Chirwa, T Beedy, W Makumba, G Nyamadzawo, M Wuta, P Nyamugafata, Obert Jiri
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Coppicing Cutting trees close to the ground level to produce regrowth from the remaining stump. Deep capture The extraction of nutrients by tree roots from soil depths beyond the reach of crop roots. Pollarding Cutting back the crown of a tree but leaving the main trunk with the objective of harvesting wood and browse, producing regrowth beyond the reach of animals, or reducing the shade cast by the crown. Protein (fodder) bank Stands of trees or shrubs established within a farm or pasture area to serve as a supplementary source of protein-rich fodder for livestock. Silvopastoral Land use system in which trees are integral part of pasture land.
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