Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Sören Auer
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The Linked Data paradigm has evolved into a powerful enabler for the transition from the document-oriented Web into the Semantic Web. While the amount of data published as Linked Data grows steadily and has surpassed 25 billion triples, less than 5% of these triples are links between knowledge bases. Link discovery frameworks provide the functionality necessary to discover missing links between knowledge bases in a semi-automatic fashion. Yet, the task of linking knowledge bases requires a significant amount of time, especially when it is carried out on large data sets. This paper presents and evaluates LIMES-a novel timeefficient approach for link discovery in metric spaces. Our approach utilizes the mathematical characteristics of metric spaces to compute estimates of the similarity between instances. These estimates are then used to filter out a large amount of those instance pairs that do not suffice the mapping conditions. Thus, LIMES can reduce the number of comparisons needed during the mapping process by several orders of magnitude. We present the mathematical foundation and the core algorithms employed in the implementation. We evaluate LIMES with synthetic data to elucidate its behavior on small and large data sets with different configurations and show that our approach can significantly reduce the time complexity of a mapping task. In addition, we compare the runtime of our framework with a state-ofthe-art link discovery tool. We show that LIMES is more than 60 times faster when mapping large knowledge bases.
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