Mohamed Morsey, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
Publication date
International semantic web conference
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Triple stores are the backbone of increasingly many Data Web applications. It is thus evident that the performance of those stores is mission critical for individual projects as well as for data integration on the Data Web in general. Consequently, it is of central importance during the implementation of any of these applications to have a clear picture of the weaknesses and strengths of current triple store implementations. In this paper, we propose a generic SPARQL benchmark creation procedure, which we apply to the DBpedia knowledge base. Previous approaches often compared relational and triple stores and, thus, settled on measuring performance against a relational database which had been converted to RDF by using SQL-like queries. In contrast to those approaches, our benchmark is based on queries that were actually issued by humans and applications against existing RDF data not resembling a …
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Scholar articles
M Morsey, J Lehmann, S Auer, AC Ngonga Ngomo - International semantic web conference, 2011