Andy Stirling, Phil Johnstone, Gordon Mackerron
Publication date
The Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) based at the University of Sussex is a globally leading centre for academic research on science, technology and innovation policy and management. The institute is consistently ranked as one of the world’s foremost ‘think tanks’ in this field by the Global Think Tank Index Report. The Sussex Energy Group (SEG) in SPRU, is the UK’s longest running energy research group and has for many years conducted world leading research on nuclear policy. Gordon Mackerron was the chair of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) between 2003-2007 and a special advisor on energy in the former coalition Government. Andy Stirling has served in many policy advisory roles for Government and industry bodies including the former Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Scottish Nuclear. The authors have contributed evidence to governmental and industry inquiries on nuclear policy including the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), DTI, BEIS, The Public Accounts Committee (PAC), the Welsh Affairs Committee and the Cabinet Office.
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