Judith Gilsbach, Joachim Piepenburg, Sebastian Stier, Frank Mangold, Bernd Weiß
Publication date
We conduct an experiment that varies incentive conditions to see how it affects consent and participation rates in a web tracking study. The experiment is a 2x4 factorial design, where the first factor consists of providing or not providing an unconditional incentive (5 Euro vs nothing) and the second factor is the height of a conditional incentive (0 Euro vs. 10 Euro vs. 25 Euro vs. 40 Euro). Study participants are newly recruited participants of a non-probability online panel, that are asked to take part in a web tracking study. To participate in the web tracking, subjects need to install a browser plug-in that passively scrapes URLs and HTML snapshots of the websites they visit. Later, this tracking data will be linked with survey data on the individual level. Exploratory interests of ours also include compliance over time and the amount of data shared.