Peter Fox, Luca Cinquini, Deborah McGuinness, Patrick West, Jose Garcia, James L Benedict, Stephan Zednik
Publication date
Proc. AAAI Semantic e-Science Workshop
We present a set of four web services provided as a result of our work in developing a semantic data framework in the setting of virtual observatories. These web services allow a client service to search for data using three primary selections: choose parameter, choose date-time range and choose instrument, and also to return appropriate service links to the actual data (the fourth service). These services are built using a shared and common understanding of the inputs, outputs and preconditions as defined by a formal ontology, encoded in OWL-DL and running in an internet accessible environment with Web Service Description Language (WSDL) bindings. Upon invocation the service can utilize reasoning services just as a user of the web portal is able to. The service client can optionally utilize the ontology when it consumes the service for additional knowledge or may be used purely syntactically (as most existing web services are now). We present these services, and how they are developed within a specific domain context for the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory.
1. e-Science
Scientific digital data is being generated, collected and maintained at an ever-increasing rate. To facilitate the carrying out of true e-Science there is a need for access to and interoperability amongst the heterogeneous and distributed repositories both within and across traditional community and/or discipline boundaries. Further attributes of e-Science cyberinfrastructure include: scalability, sustainability, provenance, seamless data access and integration of virtualized data resources. We are exploring ways of technologically enabling scientific virtual observatories …
Total citations
Scholar articles
P Fox, L Cinquini, D McGuinness, P West, J Garcia… - Proc. AAAI Semantic e-Science Workshop, 2007