Prashant Doshi, Piotr J Gmytrasiewicz
Publication date
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) provide a principled framework for sequential planning in uncertain single agent settings. An extension of POMDPs to multiagent settings, called interactive POMDPs (I-POMDPs), replaces POMDP belief spaces with interactive hierarchical belief systems which represent an agents belief about the physical world, about beliefs of other agents, and about their beliefs about others beliefs. This modification makes the difficulties of obtaining solutions due to complexity of the belief and policy spaces even more acute. We describe a general method for obtaining approximate solutions of I-POMDPs based on particle filtering (PF). We introduce the interactive PF, which descends the levels of the interactive belief hierarchies and samples and propagates beliefs at each level. The interactive PF is able to mitigate the belief space complexity, but it does not address the policy space complexity. To mitigate the policy space complexity sometimes also called the curse of history we utilize a complementary method based on sampling likely observations while building the look ahead reachability tree. While this approach does not completely address the curse of history, it beats back the curses impact substantially. We provide experimental results and chart future work.
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Scholar articles
P Doshi, PJ Gmytrasiewicz - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2009