Leah R Warner
Publication date
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of gender and sexuality studies
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Gender identity is defined as a person's self‐understanding of their gender. Gender identity theories are diverse and rooted in conflicting epistemological assumptions. Some theories focus on origins, specifically extent to which gender identity is an internal, biologically driven versus sociocultural characteristic, and the interplay between these two origins. Other theories reject explorations of origins, and instead focus on the performative nature of gender identity, its participation in social power structures, and its mutually constitutive relation to other social identities. Theories also conflict in the conceptualization of gender identity as a fixed binary (man or woman) and as separable from sex; critics problematize this process of categorization, and instead emphasize gender identity as a fluid expression that depends on context and other social factors.
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Scholar articles
LR Warner - The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of gender and …, 2016