Volker Sick, Katy Armstrong, Gregory Cooney, Lorenzo Cremonese, Alexandra Eggleston, Grant Faber, Gregory Hackett, Arne Kätelhön, Greg Keoleian, John Marano, Joseph Marriott, Stephen McCord, Shelie A Miller, Michele Mutchek, Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein, Dwarakanath Ravikumar, Louise Kjellerup Roper, Joshua Schaidle, Timothy Skone, Lorraine Smith, Till Strunge, Peter Styring, Ling Tao, Simon Völker, Arno Zimmermann
Publication date
Energy Technology
The use of carbon dioxide as a feedstock for a broad range of products can help mitigate the effects of climate change through long‐term removal of carbon or as part of a circular carbon economy. Research on capture and conversion technologies has intensified in recent years, and the interest in deploying these technologies is growing fast. However, sound understanding of the environmental and economic impacts of these technologies is required to drive fast deployment and avoid unintended consequences. Life cycle assessments (LCAs) and techno‐economic assessments (TEAs) are useful tools to quantify environmental and economic metrics; however, these tools can be very flexible in how they are applied, with the potential to produce significantly different results depending on how the boundaries and assumptions are defined. Built on ISO standards for generic LCAs, several guidance documents have …
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