Sunder Ram Krishnan
Publication date
Motivated by the classic works of Charles M. Stein, we focus on developing risk-estimation frameworks for denoising problems in both one-and two-dimensions. We assume a standard additive noise model, and formulate the denoising problem as one of estimating the underlying clean signal from noisy measurements by minimizing a risk corresponding to a chosen loss function. Our goal is to incorporate perceptually-motivated loss functions wherever applicable, as in the case of speech enhancement, with the squared error loss being considered for the other scenarios. Since the true risks are observed to depend on the unknown parameter of interest, we circumvent the roadblock by deriving finite-sample un-biased estimators of the corresponding risks based on Stein’s lemma. We establish the link with the multivariate parameter estimation problem addressed by Stein and our denoising problem, and derive estimators of the oracle risks. In all cases, optimum values of the parameters characterizing the denoising algorithm are determined by minimizing the Stein’s unbiased risk estimator (SURE). The key contribution of this thesis is the development of a risk-estimation approach for choosing the two critical parameters affecting the quality of nonparametric regression, namely, the order and bandwidth/smoothing parameters. This is a classic problem in statistics, and certain algorithms relying on derivation of suitable finite-sample risk estimators for minimization have been reported in the literature (note that all these works consider the mean squared error (MSE) objective). We show that a SURE-based formalism is well-suited to the regression …