Wiko Maryono, Elviza Diana, Yulia Darnita, Rozali Toyib, Bentar Priyopradono
Publication date
2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Program is a conditional non-cash social assistance program for Beneficiary Families who are designated as beneficiary families. By using K-Means which is a clustering algorithm to be used to collect data into data groups from the cluster center point (centroid) closest to the data. The purpose of this study is to apply k-means for the Family Hope Program clustering by using an android-based retrofit library so that it will accumulate the value of category weights and produce good decisions. It is hoped that this application is always up to date, interactive, and can be a reference not only for facilitators in the family of hope program but also for all applications and all circles as information technology development.
Total citations
Scholar articles
W Maryono, E Diana, Y Darnita, R Toyib… - 2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT …, 2021