Michael RM Ward, Michael RM Ward
Publication date
From Labouring to Learning: Working-Class Masculinities, Education and De-Industrialization
Palgrave Macmillan UK
In the opening chapters of this book, I outlined how the South Wales Valleys were once major contributors to the British coal industry, but due to economic restructuring in the 1980s, there has been a drastic transformation in the relationship between employment and masculinity. Men once earned respect for working arduously, and these roles were often seen as heroic, with punishing physical labour that involved different degrees of manual skill and bodily toughness, creating a strong, stoic masculinity. Male camaraderie, which was established through physicality and close working conditions underground or at steel furnaces, also developed through joking around, storytelling, sexist language and banter at the work site. One’s life often depended on friendships in these dangerous industries. These relationships were further supported through organizations such as miners’ institutes, trade unions, chapels …
Scholar articles
MRM Ward, MRM Ward - From Labouring to Learning: Working-Class …, 2015