Donald McNeill
Publication date
SAGE Publications Ltd
The global city has been with us for some time now. At some point in the 1990s, it became clear that the imagined geography of the nation-state was being challenged by the likes of New York, Tokyo and London, that cities were making impacts on the world disproportionate to their territorial footprints and that the apparently inexorable suburbanization of economic activity was faltering. More recently, Asia Pacific cities such as Shanghai, Singapore and Sydney began to be mentioned in a similar vein as they grew rapidly in both stature and size. The symbols and signifiers of these cities were often presented in the media with both bravado and disdain: scurrying crowds of suited bankers, gleaming office towers, luxury brands, extravagant bonuses. Many working to promote this image were far from disinterested. It has been increasingly obvious that consultants seeking global brand recognition see cities as a …
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