Samsurijal Hasan
Publication date
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Lancang Kuning
Furnitures product are tertiary products whose sales in deliberate condition. Where these products were purchasing in uncertain condition such us wedding preparation, buy a new furniture for a new house or office used. Most of customer need several times (1-2 years) for repeat order. Quality products and competitive prices are important things that must be sought by every company if you want the products produced can compete in the market. This study focusing on quantifying the contribution of Product quality, Price and Payment system in order to customer product decision along with the challenge against the E-Commerce and changes of Global Socio-Economic. The data analysis derived after two main sources which are customer questioner as primary data and company report along with observation as secondary data. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine the contribution of product quality, Price, and Payment system. The feasibility of this business unit in current Global Socio-Economic condition. Product quality, price and payment system variables have a significant effect on customer purchasing decisions. The relationship betwen independent variable against the dependent variable is high at 0.893 with a contribution of 79.10% while the remaining 20.90% is influenced by other variables outside the research model. Based on this study, the existence of E-Commerce for this product is not significant. Due to, high cost of shipping the product. Furniture stores are still promising compares to E-Commerce Store. Unfortunately, the descent of the global economy gives a big impact to customer purchasing ability
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