SB Mende, H Heetderks, HU Frey, M Lampton, SP Geller, R Abiad, OHW Siegmund, AS Tremsin, J Spann, H Dougani, SA Fuselier, AL Magoncelli, MB Bumala, S Murphree, T Trondsen
Publication date
The IMAGE Mission
Springer Netherlands
The Far Ultraviolet Wideband Imaging Camera (WIC) complements the magnetospheric images taken by the IMAGE satellite instruments with simultaneous global maps of the terrestrial aurora. Thus, a primary requirement of WIC is to image the total intensity of the aurora in wavelength regions most representative of the auroral source and least contaminated by dayglow, have sufficient field of view to cover the entire polar region from spacecraft apogee and have resolution that is sufficient to resolve auroras on a scale of 1 to 2 latitude degrees. The instrument is sensitive in the spectral region from 140-190 nm. The WIC is mounted on the rotating IMAGE spacecraft viewing radially outward and has a field of view of 17° in the direction parallel to the spacecraft spin axis. Its field of view is 30° in the direction perpendicular to the spin axis, although only a 17° x 17° image of the Earth is recorded. The optics was an …
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