Cataldo Musto, Marco De Gemmis, Giovanni Semeraro, Pasquale Lops
Publication date
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM conference on recommender systems
In this paper we propose a multi-criteria recommender system based on collaborative filtering (CF) techniques, which exploits the information conveyed by users' reviews to provide a multi-faceted representation of users' interests.
To this end, we exploited a framework for opinion mining and sentiment analysis, which automatically extracts relevant aspects and sentiment scores from users' reviews. As an example, in a restaurant recommendation scenario, the aspects may regard food quality, service, position, athmosphere of the place and so on. Such a multi-faceted representation of the user is used to feed a multi-criteria CF algorithm which predicts user interest in a particular item and provides her with recommendations.
In the experimental session we evaluated the performance of the algorithm against several state-of-the-art baselines; Results confirmed the insight behind this work, since our approach was able …
Total citations
Scholar articles
C Musto, M De Gemmis, G Semeraro, P Lops - Proceedings of the eleventh ACM conference on …, 2017