Marco De Gemmis, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro, Pierpaolo Basile
Publication date
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Recommender systems
Basic content personalization consists in matching up the attributes of a user profile, in which preferences and interests are stored, with the attributes of a content object. The Web 2.0 (r)evolution and the advent of user generated content have changed the game for personalization, since the role of people has evolved from passive consumers of information to that of active contributors. One of the forms of user generated content that has drawn more attention from the research community is folksonomy, a taxonomy generated by users who collaboratively annotate and categorize resources of interests with freely chosen keywords called tags.
In this paper, we investigate whether folksonomies might be a valuable source of information about user interests. The main contribution is a strategy that enables a content-based recommender to infer user interests by applying machine learning techniques both on the "official" …
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Scholar articles
M De Gemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro, P Basile - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on …, 2008