Azzedine Lansari, Abdallah Tubaishat, Akram Al-Rawi
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Proceedings of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
A survey based study was initiated in an outcome-based academic institution located in the Gulf region. The goal of this study was to learn about the students’ attitude toward using a learning management system (LMS)(Blackboard learn+) to take charge of their learning and to assess the awareness of the students about the learning outcomes used in the university IT programs. The survey was developed to target students in the College of Information Technology and included three categories: Learning Outcomes, Effective Use of Technology, and Communication and Confidence Development. In the first category, questions were asked to learn about the students’ understanding of how learning outcomes are used in the IT College and University. In the second category, questions were asked to learn about the students’ ability and willingness to use Blackboard in their courses. In the third category, questions were asked to learn about the students’ preferred mode of communication and whether using Blackboard helped them build confidence and become independent learners.
Study results showed that the majority of students are aware that the College uses specific learning outcomes in all courses and which learning outcomes are included in course syllabi. Moreover, students indicated a willingness to use Blackboard on a daily basis to check for course materials, grade updates and take online assessments. Most students felt like they became more confident in expressing their opinions and ideas using communication technologies. Students also indicated that using online learning has improved their technical skills and the resources posted …
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