Rene Kemp, Bonno Pel
Publication date
Encyclopedia of Social Innovation
Edward Elgar Publishing
This entry deals with the role of social innovation in the remaking of social structures, socio-technical systems and regimes. The networked nature of social innovation and transformative goals of initiatives such as Slow Food and REScoop gives them a social movement element. Some are reformist, others are more transformative, but such aspects are not static, but occurring in interacting with other developments (regime changes and landscape developments). For policymakers, social innovation is about creative responses to social problems through local initiatives, such as neighbourhood restaurants, community gardens and (renewable) energy cooperatives. Oftentimes these local initiatives are part of internationally networked social innovations such as Slow Food1 and REScoop, 2 which share values, identities, philosophies and missions. For politically oriented scholars, social innovation is about people who …
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