Eva Morunga, Debbie Bean, Korina Tuahine, Karlee Hohepa, Gwyn Lewis, Donald Ripia, Gareth Terry
Publication date
Chronic pain/mamae is a major public health problem worldwide, and disproportionately affects indigenous populations impacted by colonisation. In Aotearoa New Zealand, indigenous Māori experience a greater burden of chronic pain than non-Maori. However, pain services based on Western models are unlikely to meet the needs of indigenous peoples well. Little is published about traditional Māori views of, or approaches to, managing mamae/pain, knowledge that is traditionally held by kaumātua/elders. This study therefore aimed to understand kaumātua (Māori elder) views on the effects of pain, traditional pain management practices, and mātauranga (Māori knowledge) relating to managing pain.
14 kaumātua participated in interviews or a hui/focus group. Methods honoured tikanga (Māori protocol) and centralised whanaungatanga (relationships). Interviews and the hui/focus group were transcribed, and reflexive thematic analysis was conducted.
Three themes were developed: 1. The Multidimensional Aspects of Pain: Pain stretched beyond the physical and encompassed emotional and mental trauma, wairua/spiritual pain, grief from the loss of loved ones, contamination of the environment or breaches of tikanga/protocol. Some mamae/pain was described as everlasting, passing between people or generations. 2. Whakawhanaungatanga/Relationships: Healing through Connection. Healing of pain was seen to occur through strengthening connections with people, the spiritual realm, the natural world, and with papakāinga (one’s ancestral homeland). 3. Tino Rangatiratanga/Self-determination: Strength to …