Vernon L Quinsey, Martin L Lalumière, Marnie E Rice, Grant T Harris
Publication date
Assessing dangerousness: Violence by sexual offenders, batterers, and child abusers
Forensic clinicians are asked frequently to appraise the degree ofrisk that a sex offender poses to the community. These judgments, whether based on actuarial information, clinical intuition, or a com-bination of these, often have an important impact on the liberty of the individual and the amount of risk of new victimization to which
AUTHORS" NOTE: Thereviewportion of thischapterborrows, in part, from Quinsey (1984, 1986) and Quinsey and Lalumière (in press). Preparation of this chapter was supported by a contractbetweenthefirstauthorand theKingston PsychiatricHospital and by a Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Carada accorded to the second author. The follow-up study was supported by Ontario Ministry of Health Research Grant 01430 to the third and fourth authors.
Total citations
Scholar articles
VL Quinsey, ML Lalumière, ME Rice, GT Harris - … : Violence by sexual offenders, batterers, and child …, 1995