Michael Batty, Martin Dodge, Bin Jiang, Andy Smith
Publication date
Geographical information and planning: European perspectives
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Urban design has been defined as “the process of giving physical design direction to urban growth, onservation and change” (Barnett 1982, p. 12). It sits at the interface between architecture and planning, and its emphasis on physical attributes usually restricts its scale of operation to arrangements of streets, buildings, and landscapes. In one sense, urban design represents the heartland of city planning from whence the activity sprung in the late nineteenth century as civic or town design in a social context, but since the 1950s, planning has dramatically broadened its embrace to include many socio-economic facets of the city. Consequently urban design has become a much smaller activity in the portfolio of urban planning activities, many of which are no longer exclusively concerned with the physical environment. However, traditional definitions of urban design still hold. In terms of residential design …
Total citations
Scholar articles
M Batty, M Dodge, B Jiang, A Smith - Geographical information and planning: European …, 1999