Aloïs Brunel, Marco Gaboardi, Damiano Mazza, Steve Zdancewic
Publication date
European Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Linear logic is well known for its resource-awareness, which has inspired the design of several resource management mechanisms in programming language design. Its resource-awareness arises from the distinction between linear, single-use data and non-linear, reusable data. The latter is marked by the so-called exponential modality, which, from the categorical viewpoint, is a (monoidal) comonad.
Monadic notions of computation are well-established mechanisms used to express effects in pure functional languages. Less well-established is the notion of comonadic computation. However, recent works have shown the usefulness of comonads to structure context dependent computations. In this work, we present a language PCF inspired by a generalized interpretation of the exponential modality. In PCF the exponential modality carries a label—an element of a semiring  …
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Scholar articles
A Brunel, M Gaboardi, D Mazza, S Zdancewic - … Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, 2014