Grace MyHyun Kim, North Cooc, Kevin A Gee, Vivian Louie
Publication date
Race Ethnicity and Education
In this article, four Asian American faculty, working at different stages of the tenure-track/tenured pipeline and different regions of the United States, provide scholarly personal narratives about their experiences in academe to contribute to humanizing Asian Americans in educational research. The narratives comprise a collective counter-story that resists the racialization of Asian Americans as a monolith. Analyzing the narratives, the authors identify barriers to and supports for humanizing Asian Americans in educational research. The collective counter-story resists ahistorical views that overlook, gloss over, or reframe the recent resurgence of anti-Asian violence as separate from a larger history of systemic racism. The authors argue that humanizing Asian Americans in educational research is critical for uncovering and addressing educational inequities built on White supremacy. Through a discussion of themes that …
Scholar articles
GMH Kim, N Cooc, KA Gee, V Louie - Race Ethnicity and Education, 2023