Viktorija Car
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scientific work
We live in a multimedia world and media convergence is our everyday reality. Technological improvements cause important transformations in society and the economy, and the media are the first to be changed. Digitisation transforms the media, especially television, into new media with numerous possibilities for new products and services. The main characteristic of this process in Croatia is the fact that implementation precedes development strategies or plans. Furthermore, the lack of public discussion enables these processes to remain far away from citizens who do not understand them or are not motivated to understand them. The proliferation of new digital channels (terrestrial, cable, satellite or broadband) as well as fragmentation of the mass audience make this process even more complex. Technological improvements have produced a new multimedia environment breaking down the traditional boundaries between telecommunications, computers and the audiovisual industries.
As in many countries in the region, the public service television in Croatia is faced with a program identity crisis and at the same time is fighting for stable financing. Regarding the process of general digitization and media convergence, we must ask if it is possible to predict the future of the ‘old media’, especially of television, which is still the most influential. If it wants to survive, public service television has to reorganize and redefine itself as a converged, multimedia public service.
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