Angela Sasic Kalagasidis
Publication date
Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola (Sweden)
HAM-Tools is a building simulation software. HAM stands for Heat, Air and Moisture transport processes in a building and building envelope that can be simulated by this program, and Tools describes its modular structure. The main objective of this tool is to obtain simulations of transfer processes related to building physics, ie heat and mass transport in buildings and building components in operating conditions. The tool is to be used as a research and educational tool for the investigation of the mechanism of the above mentioned processes and of the degree of their correlation when they are coupled. Using the graphical programming language Simulink®, the code is developed as a library of predefined calculation procedures (tools) where each supports the calculation of the HAM transfer processes in a building part or an interacting system. Tools are grouped according to their functionality into five sub-systems …
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