Duncan Thomas
Publication date
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique
ADRES (Association pour le Développement de la Recherche en Économie et en Statistique)
Most economic models of the household assume that it may be treated as if all members share the same preferences or one member (a dictator) makes all resource allocation decisions. That assumption is tested by asking whether income in the hands of men has the same impact on household commodity demand as income in the hands of women. Drawing on budget data from Brazil, we find that the distribution of income among men and women within the household does affect demand patterns and this is true for both non-labor income as well as total income. Income in the hands of women, relative to men, is associated with a larger increase in the share of the household budget devoted to human capital (household services, health and education) and also leisure (recreation and ceremonies) goods. The proportion of the budget spent on food declines more if the income is in the hands of women although food …
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