Erik Hans Klijn, Joop Koppenjan, Rianne Warsen
Publication date
Handbook of collaborative public management
Edward Elgar Publishing
Beyond any doubt, public–private partnership (PPP) has become established as an important vehicle to realize infrastructure projects and public services, not only in governmental rhetoric, but also in daily governmental practice. In many countries, governments have turned to the idea of PPPs, or partnerships in general, as an effective way to realize better policy outcomes or to enhance investments in fields like infrastructure, health, or even social policy (Hodge, Greve, & Boardman, 2010). One of the core elements in PPP is the collaboration between parties from the public and the private domain. Governments aim to realize public infrastructures and services for the common good but have limited budgets and struggle with planning and managing complex projects, and private parties often have access to private funds, have expertise regarding the design and development of large infrastructure, and are better able …
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Scholar articles
EH Klijn, J Koppenjan, R Warsen - Handbook of collaborative public management, 2021