Sebastian Dietzold, Norman Heino, Sören Auer, Philipp Frischmuth
Publication date
Proceedings of the EKAW
In this paper we present RDFauthor, an approach for authoring information adhering to the RDF data model. RDFauthor completely hides syntax as well as RDF and ontology data model difficulties from end-users and allows to edit information on arbitrary RDFa annotated web pages. RDFauthor extends RDFa with representations for provenance and update endpoint information. RDFauthor is based on extracting RDF triples from RDFa annotations and transforming the RDFa annotated HTML view into an editable form using a set of authoring widgets. As a result every RDFa annotated web page can be easily made writeable, even if information originated from different sources.
Total citations
Scholar articles
S Dietzold, N Heino, S Auer, P Frischmuth - Proceedings of the EKAW, 2010