Eldad Davidov, Ann-Kathrin Reinl, James Dennison, Daniel Seddig, Yael Naveh-Kedem, Noga Sverdlik, Hermann Dülmer, Shalom Schwartz, Jan Cieciuch, Peter Koerver Schmidt, Fumiko Kano Glückstad, Mikkel N Schmidt, Morten Mørup, Kristoffer Jon Albers, Jan Michael Bauer
Publication date
Invited Symposium: Individual Differences in Values and Political Individual/Group Behavior
The symposium includes five studies which investigate individual differences in human values and political individual/group behavior. The first examines whether human values explain attitudes toward the European Union and the British vote to exit the EU using recent British survey data from the European Social Survey (ESS). The second study uses field studies to explore if existential threats explain changes in prosocial values as a function of political orientation. The third investigates the country-level and uses data from multiple countries and time points from the ESS to assess their adequacy to measure cultural values. Finally, the fourth study examines a new clustering approach and applies it on measures on the importance of values attributed by respondents.
Scholar articles
E Davidov, AK Reinl, J Dennison, D Seddig… - Invited Symposium: Individual Differences in Values …, 2022