Xuetao Wei, Lorenzo Gomez, Iulian Neamtiu, Michalis Faloutsos
Publication date
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
Android uses a system of permissions to control how apps access sensitive devices and data stores. Unfortunately, we have little understanding of the evolution of Android permissions since their inception (2008). Is the permission model allowing the Android platform and apps to become more secure? In this paper, we present arguably the first long-term study that is centered around both permission evolution and usage, of the entire Android ecosystem (platform, third-party apps, and pre-installed apps). First, we study the Android platform to see how the set of permissions has evolved; we find that this set tends to grow, and the growth is not aimed towards providing finer-grained permissions but rather towards offering access to new hardware features; a particular concern is that the set of Dangerous permissions is increasing. Second, we study Android third-party and pre-installed apps to examine whether they …
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Scholar articles
X Wei, L Gomez, I Neamtiu, M Faloutsos - Proceedings of the 28th Annual Computer Security …, 2012