Samantha Bouwmeester, Peter PJL Verkoeijen, Balazs Aczel, Fernando Barbosa, Laurent Bègue, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Thorsten GH Chmura, Gert Cornelissen, Felix S Døssing, Antonio M Espín, Anthony M Evans, Fernando Ferreira-Santos, Susann Fiedler, Jaroslav Flegr, Minou Ghaffari, Andreas Glöckner, Timo Goeschl, Lisa Guo, Oliver P Hauser, Roberto Hernan-Gonzalez, Anthony Herrero, Zachary Horne, Petr Houdek, Magnus Johannesson, Lina Koppel, Praveen Kujal, Tei Laine, Johannes Lohse, Eva C Martins, Carlos Mauro, Dorothee Mischkowski, Sumitava Mukherjee, Kristian Ove R Myrseth, Daniel Navarro-Martínez, TMS Neal, Julie Novakova, Roger Pagà, Tiago O Paiva, Bence Palfi, Marco Piovesan, R-M Rahal, Erika Salomon, Narayanan Srinivasan, Ajita Srivastava, Barnabas Szaszi, Aba Szollosi, Karoline Ø Thor, Gustav Tinghög, Jennifer S Trueblood, J Jay Van Bavel, Anna E van ‘t Veer, Daniel Västfjäll, Megan Warner, Erik Wengström, Julian Wills, Conny E Wollbrant
Publication date
Perspectives on Psychological Science
Sage Publications
In an anonymous 4-person economic game, participants contributed more money to a common project (i.e., cooperated) when required to decide quickly than when forced to delay their decision (Rand, Greene & Nowak, 2012), a pattern consistent with the social heuristics hypothesis proposed by Rand and colleagues. The results of studies using time pressure have been mixed, with some replication attempts observing similar patterns (e.g., Rand et al., 2014) and others observing null effects (e.g., Tinghög et al., 2013; Verkoeijen & Bouwmeester, 2014). This Registered Replication Report (RRR) assessed the size and variability of the effect of time pressure on cooperative decisions by combining 21 separate, preregistered replications of the critical conditions from Study 7 of the original article (Rand et al., 2012). The primary planned analysis used data from all participants who were randomly assigned to conditions …
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Scholar articles
S Bouwmeester, PPJL Verkoeijen, B Aczel, F Barbosa… - Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2017