Megan Meacham, Victor Galaz
Redirecting Flows-Navigating the Future of the Amazon
The Amazon region has been long recognized for its ecological diversity, importance for the climate system, and deep importance for people and indigenous communities in the region. Over time, we have also come to understand this iconic biome’s importance for not only local, but also the Latin American countries’ economies and the possibilities for a prosperous future for all. In a globalized world, what happens in the Amazon does not stay in the Amazon. Protecting its resilience for the future in ways that are ecologically viable but also socially just, is an issue of global importance and concern.
This report has elaborated the various ways that humans, ecosystems and the climate system are interwoven, based on the latest insights from the resilience and sustainability sciences. While this close interconnection between the social and ecological might sound obvious, a growing body of research that explores the connections between economic activities, financial investments and socialecological change consistently show system fragilities and
Scholar articles
M Meacham, V Galaz - Redirecting Flows-Navigating the Future of the Amazon