Shruti Arun Japee
Publication date
Virginia Commonwealth University
We have developed a Measurement and Analysis System for Capillary Oxygen Transport (MASCOT) to study red blood cell (RBC) dynamics and oxygenation in capillary networks. The system is based on object-oriented principles and it is designed to mimic the structure and hierarchy present in the microcirculation. The system enables analysis of capillaries to study geometry and morphology and provides values for capillary parameters such as diameter, segment length, etc. It also serves as an analysis tool for capillary RBC flow characteristics, including RBC velocity, lineal density and supply rate. Furthermore, the system provides a means of determining the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin contained within RBCs, by analysis of synchronized videotapes containing images at two wavelengths. This enables the quantification of the oxygen content of individual RBCs. Video recordings of RBC flow at two …
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