Leonard Rusinamhodzi, Elodie Nguyen, Helene Marrou, Seraphine Uzamushaka, Marc Corbeels
Publication date
Weed Research
The control of Striga is of critical importance for smallholder farmers cultivating maize and other cereals in the western region of Kenya. Therefore, advanced knowledge and analysis is needed to understand farmers' resource endowment and decision making with regards to crop management, and the possible effect on Striga infestation and crop productivity. The overall objective of the study was to understand the role of resource endowment and allocation decisions on Striga infestation and maize productivity and offer effective and locally adapted options in western Kenya. The study used semi‐structured questionnaires, focus group discussions and resource flow mapping to identify farm resources and key management decisions that are critical in management of Striga on smallholder farms. Soil was sampled from fields of selected farms and taken to the laboratory for analysis including Striga seed counts. In the …