Júlio Tavares, Vasco Furtado, Henrique Santos, Eurico Vasconcelos Filho
Publication date
Seventh International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2012)
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
In the Law Enforcement context, more and more data about crime occurrences are becoming available to the general public. For an effective use of open data, it is desirable that the different sources of information follow a pattern, which allows reliable comparisons. In addition, it is expected that the task of creating a correspondence between the pattern and the internal representations of each source of information is not a steep learning curve. These two conditions are hardly found in the actual stage, where open data about crime occurrences refer to the data disclosed by each police department in its own way. This paper proposes an interactive tool, called D2RCrime, that assists the designer/DBA of relational crime databases to make the correspondence between the relational data and the classes and properties of a crime ontology. The ontology plays the role of a pattern to represent the concepts of crime and report of crime, and is also the interface to publish on-the-fly relational crime data. This correspondence allows the automatic generation of mapping rules between the two representations, what allows for access to relational data from SPARQL. An evaluation of D2RCrime is done with DBA/system analysts who used the tool for establishing correspondences between relational data and the ontology.
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