Georgia E Grey, Gareth J Treharne, Damien W Riggs, Kimberly A Fuller, Nik Taylor, Heather Fraser
Publication date
International Journal of Transgender Health
Taylor & Francis
Background: The love, joy and sense of connection between humans and animal companions can bring shared health benefits. Often this is referred to as the ‘pet effect’. Previous research on the ‘pet effect’ suggests that living with an animal companion, and especially one who is considered part of the family, can increase human wellbeing, though to date research has rarely focused on trans people and the ‘pet effect’.
Aims: This article explores the ‘pet effect’ in the lives of trans people, given that trans people may uniquely benefit from animal companionship as a counter to the negative effects of living in cisgenderist contexts.
Methods: A secondary analysis of three studies was undertaken (N = 857 participants residing in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, the UK or the US). Studies included measures of psychological distress, human social support, and trans-related discrimination, with all participants being …
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