Alexander Wezel, Baptiste Grard, Kintan Kamilia, Vasileios Gkisakis, Nina I Moeller, Hugo Bitouzet, Lili Balogh, Katalin Réthy, Cian Blaix, Valeria Guznenco, Ana Benoliel Coutinho, J Hassink, MB Goris, Charlotte Klapwijk, J Hijmans, Symke Nieboer, Anita Van Dam, I Katsaros, F Andreotti, Andreja Jakofčič, Julian Farges, Tove Sundström, Georg Carlsson, Lindy Binder, Ulrich Schmutz
Publication date
This second volume of the country reports series enlarges the documentation, analysis, and development of agroecology in Europe, and provides examples of implementation in different countries. The 11 countries studied within this volume show somewhat similar results as found in with the first 13 countries mapped in volume 1. There are quite contrasted situations regarding the development of agroecology in different countries. In some countries many existing initiatives with a direct or indirect link to agroecology and some of its principles can be document, whereas the implementation of agroecology or the use of the concept and approaches are still limited in other countries. This does not mean that some countries are better than others, only that agroecology evolves distinctly through the history of agriculture and foods systems as well as
Scholar articles
A Wezel, B Grard, K Kamilia, V Gkisakis, NI Moeller… - 2024