Hao Yang, Haiyun Luo, Jiejun Kong, Fan Ye, Petros Zerfos, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang
Publication date
Mobile computing handbook
CRC Press
Security is a basic requirement for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) in order for users to perform protected peer-to-peer communication over multi-hop wireless channel. Depending on the application context, a user may desire various security services such as confidentiality, authentication, integrity, nonrepudiation, and access control. As a basis to support these services, the functionality of a MANET to deliver data bits from one node to another must be protected at the first place. Unlike wired networks that have dedicated routers, MANET has no infrastructure support; each mobile node may function as a router and forward packets for other nodes. The wireless medium is open and incurs far more dynamics than in wired networks. These characteristics present a set of unique challenges to secure a MANET:
• No clear line of defense—MANET does not offer a clear line of defense. There is no well-defined place/infrastructure where we may deploy a single security solution. Moreover, the wireless channel is accessible to both legitimate users and malicious attackers. The boundary that separates the inside network from the outside world becomes blurred.
Scholar articles
H Yang, H Luo, J Kong, F Ye, P Zerfos, S Lu, L Zhang - Mobile computing handbook, 2005